Thursday 24 September 2015

Image Capture.

Image Capture:

Image capture is different ways a person can get an image, whether they take it with a camera, scan or create it. For example, a scanner is a device which scans images, handwriting, printed text, or an object. It can then transforms it into a digital image. Depending on the quality of the scanner, the quality of the image can be extremely good or very poor. However, scanners have progressed and have become very reliant over the years, as you are now able to scan work you need, and can then send it to your personal email address. Digital cameras are one of the easiest ways to capture an image as all you have to do is simply press a button and the capture is instant. There are two types of digital camera, SLR and compact. However, the difference between the two is that an SLR is more professional and tends to cost more, where as a compact camera just take ordinary standard images. Involved in this is camera resolution, which is measured in mega pixels, image file resolution is measured in either pixels per inch (ppi) or pixel dimensions. Storage within images depends on the amount of memory that the actual computer has and the file size of the image, often to reduce the file size when saving the image, the format of the image can be changed to formats such as JPEGS etc.

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